Pengaruh Islam dalam Kebudayaan Lokal di Button: Satu Kajian Berdasarkan Teks Sarana Wolio


This study aimed to describe how far the moslem teaching has given influenceto the local culture in Wolio (Buton). This study researched a classic script text,therefore used a filology and Heuristic methode. filology methode was used topurify text and make text be readable by the citizen, whereas heuristic methodewas used to find out the substantial of the text. The result of this study showedthat Islamic teaching influenced toward local culture in Buton since SultanMobolina Pauna administration. When he arranged the constitution of Butonverbally called as “Martabat Tujuh “ or Sarana Wolio is like influenced byhis intuition or his sufism perspective. That   influence could be seen throughthe culture which was arranged like Martabat Tujuh,  determining of sultan’snumber and sapati which was symbolized by sifat dua puluh, determining ofminister number was symbolized like thirty of juz alqur’an and determiningnumber of points refused by culture were symbolized by “itikad yang tujuhpuluh dua kaum”