RITUAL YA QOWIYU: Pergulatan Makna Modernitas, Agama, Budaya Lokal dan Kapitalisme


In this article, the writer tries to analyze the contrast between modernity, religion, and culture. Shortly, the contrast between religious teaching (Islam) taught by Ki Ageng Gribig, modernity, and culture (Javanese) is shown in the rituals and social-economic life (capitalism spirit) of Jatinom Society, both symbolically and practically. The contrast and meaning relation of the three domains not only result in conflict, tension, and resistance but also relation and new interpretation among the members of society, so that the celebration is held annually. Therefore, the process of interpretation and the different economic, social, cultural, and politic influences will continue from time to time to match with the change experienced by Jatinom society specifically and the population around the area generally. The process of interpretation on religion has changed because of its contrast with the value of modernity. In Jatinom society, the religious process has been formed and influenced by modernity ideas, such as, the process of rationalization on the rituals, that is, the decrease of their belief in ‘blessing’ in apem, but on the other side, they still preserve the rituals to honor their ancestors and customs. They also think that it is economically beneficial because of the visit of thousands of people in the celebration.