TRADISI PEUSIJUEK DALAM MASYARAKAT ACEH: Integritas Nilai-Nilai Agama dan Budaya


Peusijuek is one of the traditions of the people of Aceh are still preserved and practiced. Peusijuek, especially in Aceh moslem society, has been adapted into of Islam pratice. This study is aimed at revealing how peusijuek is believed and practiced  then become one of  religious creed which, originally, is not purely derived from Islamic teaching. This study used content analysis methods. Islam has universalism concept that is able to converge and fuse to various civilizations and culture; this makes Islam accepted in many nations and civilizations. Aceh people believe that Peusijuek is one of the rituals associated with religious belief. Because it is consist of several religious values which must be executed, such as 3 (three) aspects as follow: firstly; the Actor of Peusijuek should have a good understanding of the religion, usually called by the ustadz and ustadzah. Secondly, the moment to do peusijuek is when someone is going for haji, to marry, to be khitanan, and others. Thirdly, prayer of peusijuek are taken from the Quran and Sunnah as well as addressed to Allah SWT. Therefore, considering the three aforementioned aspects, peusijuek is considered to be closely related islam and, so it becomes a public belief.Key words: Peusijuek, acculturation, culture, Islam