
Prophet Muhammad in a hadith reveals that there are four things making people happy:  having shalihah  wife, spacious houses, comfortable vehicles, and good neighbors. A house as the inhabited buildings working as the activity base is one of the ways to form a society and Islam civilization. An Islamic house must be able to have two functions in life. First, the welfare of the world including: a sense of compassion (mawadah warahmah), ensuring children's education, creating hospitality (ukhuwah Islamiyah), forming the Muslim individual, supporting successful careers, and having health condition. Second, the welfare of the afterlife including: easy to implement the mahdah worship, muamalah process and able to keep its inhabitants from the things forbidden and makruh.An Islamic house is not always designed like mosques or houses which are full of Islamic ornaments, such as calligraphy, and more. An Islamic house is an efficient house which can be used to  dhikr to Allah, and to remember death. The house is not always facing the Qibla or the lavatory was not facing Mecca. An Islamic house is a house that allows occupants to stay and interact with others. Besides, the privacy of each person can also be maintained in it. It is then becoming the task of the architects to make Islamic houses. However, the most important thing of an Islamic house is that it does not isolate the occupants from the outside world. Further, it could create a better interaction and social relationship with its surroundings and neighbors.Key words: Islamic House, rules, adab