
This study examined the character education of Konco Reyog at schools viewed from the meaning of Reyog Ponorogo’s art symbol. Then, it has tried to reveal its relevance with Islamic education. The data were obtained from the key persons, i.e. warok figure, Reyog Foundation, Reyog teachers, and the supporting artists, which then were described qualitatively to arrange character education module of Konco Reyog based on Islamic education. The finding shows that Reyog’s symbol is loaded with value and meaning, including the educational values. These values have very strong relevance with several values contained in Islamic education. Further, these values are built systematically through school. Its position is quite strong as it is included in the curriculum of intra-curricular as a local content based on the local wisdom. These Reyog Ponorogo art values are possible to be alternative models for character education in order to build noble values and meanings based on Islamic education.