
Abstract This paper discusses Timur Lenk who is ambitious to dominate the world through the founding of the great Mongol Empire as a mission ever launched by the grandchildren of Genghis Khan and Hulagu Khan. Timur Lenk himself continued the tradition of the Mongolian invasion force that is not forcing religion or spiritual practices to a conquered nation; they even build the conquest countries with the principle of regionalism. Even, in the end, the King of Mongolia turned to Islam, including Timur Lenk himself at the end of the 13th century and early 14th century. Then Mongolism Ideology becomes a major platform in conquering the entire countries with the royal and military strength. There are two basic frameworks of the Mongolian nation in its military power expansion, as the one done by Timur Lenk: first, the geneolis theory: the world hegemony to perpetuate the Mongol Empire using military force and running the ancient absolutism politic believing that the greater authority of the ruler could result on achieving peace and security. Second, attack and defend theory: rebuilding a country that has been destroyed with luxurious infrastructures like an extraordinary magnificent palace, developing science, history, Sufism and then try to defend them.Keywords: Mongolia, Timur Lenk, Jenghiz Khan