ARSITEKTUR ISLAM: Seni Ruang dalam Peradaban Islam


Human being as a caliph, here related to the function of architect, has responsibility for the environment. Hence, in doing their activities in this world, they have to cope with the nature considering the principal of balance and harmony. Architecture as one of the sciences should also go along with the Islamic values. The values based on the Quran should certainly be the foundation for all efforts of developing any sciences, including architectur. The application of Islam values will produce works of “Islamic architecture” that comprise a combination of culture and humans’ submission to their God, which characterizes the harmony of the human beings, environment, and their  Creator. Islamic architecture suggests a complex geometrical relation, hierarchy of shapes and ornaments, and deep symbolic meaning. This writing describes the fact that works of Islamic architectures in over the world that is based on Islamic ethical values and manners do not represent a single and identical shape. However, the varieties and wealth of shapes are unfield by one purpose, that is, as a medium of devoting to God. The varieties create a multitude of Islamic architecture products within Islamic civilization, which lead human beings to rahmatan lil alamiin.