The Internalization of Islamic Values in Pesantren


<p>This article aims to describe the internalization of Islamic values in fostering <em>akhlak</em> (morality) of <em>santri</em> (Islamic boarding school students) in <em>Pesantren</em><em> </em>(Islamic Boarding School) Miftahul Muhajirin Cidadap, Pagaden, Subang. The Internalization carried out in the forms of religious activities such as <em>far</em><em>ḍ</em><em>u</em> prayers in congregation, <em>sunnah</em> prayers <em>Qiyãm al-lail</em> and <em>Ḍ</em><em>uha</em>, <em>sunnah</em> fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, and recite Yasin after dawn. The Islamic internalization process of Islamic values takes several steps namely transformation values; transaction values; and trans-internalization values. The overview of <em>akhlak</em><em> santri</em> from internalization results obtained from questionnaires data distributed to 53 <em>santri</em>. From the questionnaire data, it was obtained the categories of <em>akhlak</em><em> santri; </em>excellent students (52.83%), good (45.28%), and quite good (1.89%).</p><p> </p>