KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN SENSITIF GENDER (Internalisasi Karakter Sensitif Gender dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan)


Curriculum has important role in the education process because it is the main instrument to reach the education goals. It is one of the education aspects which directs the orientation of education results. It is expected to be able to give a competence standard to the students that will be used to describe the objectives related to the mastery of knowledge and individual development. On the other hand, Indonesia is one of the countries which strongly struggled the reach of KKG (Keadilan dan Kesetaraan Gender/ Justice and Equality of Gender). Based on the Presidential Instruction No 9 of 2000, the government has given an instruction to apply gender mainstreaming into all aspects of development including educational development. In this case, it is necessary to design a gender perspective curriculum which integrates gender into education curriculum. To determine the direction of education, it takes a curriculum design that has a gender perspective. So that can be used as a reference for strategic formulation in the integration of gender in the education curriculum. The strategy of integrating gender in the education curriculum should also be supported by the successful implementation of character education in every educational institution. So in formulating the educational curriculum should be oriented to the formation of student characters learners, because the curriculum can be a strategic medium to instill the values ​​of the character of learners.