Analisis Struktur Modal Perbangkan Syariah di Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the capital structure sharia banking in Indonesia during the period 2011-2015. This research uses quarterly time series data which is analyzed by multiple regressions. The sample used in this research is 8  sharia  banks  in  Indonesia  and  chosen  by  purposive  sampling.  The  independent variables  in  this  study  are  company  size,  company  growth  rate,  income  stability, structures and dependent variables in this study is the capital structure. The Analyzer used is multiple linier regression analysis. The results showed that company size, company growth rate, sales stability and asset structure have a significant effect on capital structure, and F test results show that company size variables, company growth rate, income stability, and the asset structure jointly affect the capital structure. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the factors considered by the bank in determining the capital structure is the composition of the assets and the earned income. Therefore, syariah banking in Indonesia needs to optimize the income and the total assets which are owned.