Keluarga Nirkekerasan sebagai Prasyarat Keluarga Sakînah


The article tries to redefine the meaning of sakînah family by emphasizing the importance of understanding the essence of marriage and domestic violence, which leads to criminal action, for spouse. Marriage is a social contract and agreement between a man and a woman, which aims at legalizing sexual interaction, making familial relationship through marriage, ensuring one’s descendant, making a family, and living life together. Criminal action within marital relationship is any action committed by each spouse over another that violates laws, any action that harms his/her spouse physically, physiologically and economically, and/or a spouse who ignores his/her responsibility over another and over his/her children in the domestic sphere. Sakînah family is a family which build on the basis of faith and piety upon God, a family whose breadwinner is able to fulfill the needs of family members based on his ability, a family which lives harmoniously and peacefully, a family which possesses ability and capability to overcome any conflicts among its members, a family with no violence and domestic crime, and a family whose members play their role respectively.