Metode Identifikasi Maqâsid al-Sharî‘ah Muhammad Tâhir b. ‘Âshûr dalam Kitab Maqâsid al-Sharî‘ah al-Islâmîyah


This article attempts to analyze how to know maqâsid al-shari‘ah in any statutes of shari‘at with Muhammad Tâhir b. ‘Âshur’s perspective in the book of Maqâsid al-Sharî‘ah al-Islâmîya. This study concludes that the formula of turuq ithbât maqâsid al-shari‘ah in the perspective of Ibn ‘Âshur refers to three ways: first, through istiqrâ’ (inductive), be it istiqrâ’ on the known-rationale laws, or istiqrâ’ to the postulates of the law which has the same substantive rationale (mushtarak fî al-‘illah), in which the existence of the rationale qualify as maqsûd al-Shâri’; second, through the verses of the Quran which has the clarity of the arguments (wâdih al-dilâlah); and third, through the text of Sunnah mutawâtirah, either mutawâtir ‘amalî or mutawâtir ma‘nawî.