Kajian Kitab Tafsir dalam Jaringan Pesantren di Jawa Barat


<p><em>Tafsir</em> is one of the essences of Islamic orthodoxy and its authenticity is always guarded. Therefore, a drastic change is avoided in the studies of <em>tafsir</em> especially in <em>pesantren</em>, because <em>pesantren</em> is the institution that most persistent in guarding the Islamic orthodoxy in Indonesia. Not surprisingly, this research that was conducted in 2015 foundssimilarity to what has been reported by Berg in the nineteenth century and by Bruinessen and other researchers in the twentieth century. This article is the report of field research conducted at six pesantren in West Java namely: Pesantren al-Jawami Bandung, Pesantren al-Wafa Bandung, Pesantren al-Masthuriyah Sukabumi, Pesantren Darusalam Ciamis, Pesantren Cipasung Tasikmalaya and Pesantren Buntet Cirebon. This research focus on the study of <em>tafsir</em> books in these <em>pesantren</em>. This research concluded that changes do exist and occur in the study of <em>tafsir</em> in these <em>pesantren</em>, but extremely slow. The study of<em> tafsir </em>is still considered a second choice in <em>pesantren</em> compare to the study of <em>fiqh</em> and Arabic language. The most popular tafsir studied in these <em>pesantren</em> is <em>Tafsir Jalalayn</em>. There are also <em>pesantren</em> where other <em>tafsir</em> were studied like <em>Tafsir al- Manar</em> and <em>Tafsir al-Maraghy</em>, but very rare; that is in <em>pesantren</em> oriented to modernity. In addition, the traditional method of studying <em>tafsir</em> is still dominant in this <em>pesantren</em>, called <em>bandongan</em> where the <em>Kyai</em> (leader of <em>pesantren</em>) annotate the text word by word in front of the students (<em>santri</em>).</p>