Penerapan Total Quality Management (TQM) dalam Peningkatan Mutu Layanan Publik UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


The topic of this research is the implementation of Total Quality Management in improving the quality of public services at the Administrative, Academic, Student Affairs and Cooperation Bureao (Biro AAKK) UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.The results of this study stated that: first, there are three public services of the Biro AAKK, namely: academic services, Student and Alumni Services, Service Cooperation, Institutional and Public Relations. Second, The Public Services of Biro AAKK is implemented well, but still needs to be improved. Third, the supporting factors in implementation of TQM in improving the quality of public services of Biro AAKK are good infrastructure, internal support, the large number of applicants, funds from donors, policies supported by leadership, human resources that qualified good learning process, and good performance and coordination among stakeholders. While the barriers are a lot of cooperation without being coordinated by Cooperation Division, structural constraints, negative influence among staff, lack of socialization from the university, government programs that are not compatible,and extra campus programs that are not well coordinated.