Fungsi Kompetensi Kepribadian Pendidik Anak Usia Dini dalam Proses Penyesuaian Diri Siswa Baru


A competent teacher is a teacher who is committed to his job and his job as an educator, an effective class manager, a positive role model identifiable and imitated by his students, warm and enthusiastic about student ideas, constantly improving himself in teaching techniques, improving his skills in Social relations, and can adapt their skills in a specific context. Children or students learn optimally if the teacher can run his role as a model or model, who loves his profession as a teacher. This paper is a conceptual paper which is the result of a discussion between field observations of the researcher, early childhood educator experience, as well as previous theoretical and research studies focusing on the early childhood adjustment process in a new class or school. This paper is expected to present descriptive data about the educator's personality function that influences the process of adjustment of new students in early childhood education, so it is expected to contribute thoughts and practical benefits for early childhood education institutions in assisting the adaptation process of students in the new school year, Through the enhancement of the educational competence of its educators.