RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN INDONESIA: Curious Cases of Dialogues, Fatwas and Laws


Religious freedom is one of the most pressing issues in contemporary Indonesia. Over recent years, the Ahmadiyah sect has become increasingly targeted by violent and conservative groups within mainstream Indonesian society. Semi-official organisations such as the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and community-based groups such as Front Pembela Islam have sought to isolate Ahmadis within Indonesian society. Ahmadis have had their homes attacked, their mosques closed, and in the most grievous instance, three Ahmadis have been killed. The state has been both present and absent throughout the recent rise in attacks made against Ahmadis. The state has proved to be a particularly ambivalent force. This article argues that calls for dialogues have failed to produce a necessary and positive outcome for Ahmadis. The article also shows how the 2005 fatwa issued by the MUI and the SKB of 2008 have been used to further marginalise the Ahmadiyah movement. Despite the significant work of many intellectuals and activists being done in many sections of society, the author is not optimistic in contemplating future trends.