Desain Pembelajaran Berbasis Web Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bicara Bagi Anak Tuna Rungu di SDLB Futhiyyah Pati


This study aims to create a web-based learning design to improve speech skills in deaf children at SLB Futhiyyah Pati. The method used in this study is Research and Development (R&D). The results of this study are 1) the realization of a valid web-based learning design. This is indicated by the results of expert validation showing a mean of 3.45 in the very valid/feasible category. Web-based learning design can be said to be effective in improving the speech skills of deaf children. This is indicated by the results of the p-value in the chi-square analysis which shows <0.05. and the applicability of the applied learning design is 89.83%.Keywords: Learning Design, Web, Deaf Kids