Rocket science unveiled: A differential equation exploration of motion


Through the perspective of differential equations, the report "Rocket Science Unveiled" explores the amazing invention of rocket propulsion. In order to study, comprehend, and forecast the behavior of rocket engines, differential equations are essential. In order to better understand and analyze this intricate anomaly, the report aims to investigate the underlying mathematics of rocket propulsion and how differential equations work. We apply the differential equation to clarify the fuel consumption and thrust generation rates. In addition, we utilize Newton's rule of motion to explain the relationship among thrust, mass, and acceleration. Working on this study allowed us to discover the anticipated outcome for both position location and spacecraft position determination. For iterative operations, we used Euler's approach because the analytical calculation of differential equations is complicated, we used Euler's method for iterative operations. Knowing the rocket's initial or previous value allows us to locate or establish its placements with ease.