Estimation of ultimate bearing capacity of strip footings on cohesive-frictional soils using non-linear shear strength model


This study widely investigated the applicability of the ultimate bearing capacity formula from the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) while considering the effect of footing width. An in-house RPFEM program was developed using a non-linear shear strength model that is sensitive to confining stress. The research focuses on evaluating how footing width and soil properties affect the ultimate bearing capacity of strip footings. Coefficients within the AIJ formula were calculated and compared to those derived from the RPFEM, considering different combinations of cohesive and frictional soil strengths across various footing widths. The RPFEM results closely matched those obtained from the AIJ formula. This suggests that using a non-linear shear strength model can accurately estimate the ultimate bearing capacity of strip footings on cohesive-frictional soils, taking into account the footing width.