
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyibak tingkat pemahaman moderasi beragama, dan upaya integrasi, serta internalisasi pengembangan nilai-nilainya di MA.Alkhairaat Kota Gorontalo. Adapun metode penelitian yag digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis Miles dan Huberman, serta 55 responden dari para santri/wati dan para asatidz. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat pemahaman moderasi beragama para santri dan asatidz di lingkungan MA.Alkhairaat tentang moderasi beragama, mayoritas responden (76,4%) mengaku belum begitu memahami apa itu moderasi beragama, namun pada indikator moderasi beragama itu sendiri secara spesifik hampir seluruh responden memahami 1) Persoalan komitmen kebangsaan, 2) Kewajiban untuk toleransi beragama (73,1%), 3) Bahaya nir kekerasan atau anti anarkism (64,4%), 4) Sedangkan sikap akomodatif terhadap budaya lokal (61,5%). Adapun Integrasi dan internalisasi konsep moderasi beragama di madrasah ini tertuang dalam hal, 1) Elaborasi nilai-nilai moderasi bergama pada mata pelajaran para santri/wati, dan 2) melalui kegiatan-kegiatan ekstrakurikuler para santri/wati, dan 3) Pengembangan moderasi beragama melalui sikap dan keteladanan Asatidz di lingkungan Madrasah. Abstract This study aims to uncover the level of understanding of religious moderation, and efforts to integrate, as well as internalize the development of its values ​​in MA.Alkhairaat Gorontalo City. The research method used is qualitative using the analysis of Miles and Huberman, as well as 55 respondents from students and asatidz. The results showed that the level of understanding of religious moderation of the santri and asatidz in the MA.Alkhairaat environment regarding religious moderation, the majority of respondents (76.4%) admitted that they did not really understand what religious moderation was, but on the indicator of religious moderation itself, almost all respondents specifically understand 1) the issue of national commitment, 2) the obligation for religious tolerance (73.1%), 3) the danger of non-violence or anti-anarchism (64.4%), 4) while being accommodative towards local culture (61.5%). The integration and internalization of the concept of religious moderation in madrasas is contained in terms of, 1) Elaboration of the values ​​of religious moderation in the subjects of santri/women, and 2) through extracurricular activities for students, and 3) Development of religious moderation through Asatidz's attitude and example in the Madrasah environment.