PELATIHAN PENGURUSAN JENAZAH DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Kerjasama antara MUI dan Puskesmas Desa arjasari)


ABSTRAK Covid-19 memberikan banyak pengaruh terhadap kehidupan dilingkungan masyarakat, salah satunya dalam permasalahan keagamaan yaitu tentang pengurusan jenazah. Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat mengenai bagaimana menyikapi orang yang meninggal dimasa pandemi Covid-19 ini, menjadikan masyarakat tidak mau mengurusi jenazah meskipun belum tentu positif Covid. Pelatihan pengurusan jenazah dimasa pandemi Covid-19 dengan bekerja sama anatara MUI Desa Arjasari (Lembaga Keagamaan) dan Puskesamas Desa arjasari (Lembaga Kesehatan), merupakan salah satu upaya dalam menangani permasalahan tersebut, hal ini dianggap penting karena masyarakat perlu mendapatkan pencerahan serta wawasan mengenai Covid-19 baik dalam persepektif Agama dan Kesehatan agar memberikan keyakinan yang utuh. Setelah diadakan pelatihan ini, diharapkan masyarakat memahami dan mampu mempraktekan pengurusan jenazah terutama di masa pandemi Covid-19. ABSTRACT Covid-19 has had many influences on life in the community, one of which is in religious matters, namely regarding the management of corpses. The lack of public understanding of how to respond to people who died during the Covid-19 pandemic, made people not want to take care of corpses even though they were not necessarily positive for Covid. Training on handling corpses during the Covid-19 pandemic by collaborating between the Arjasari Village MUI (Religious Institution) and the Arjasari Village Public Health Center (Health Institute), is one of the efforts to deal with this problem, this is considered important because the community needs to get enlightenment and insight about Covid -19 both in the perspective of Religion and Health in order to provide complete confidence. After this training, it is hoped that the community will understand and be able to practice managing corpses, especially during the Covudi-19 pandemic,