
Maahad Tahfiz Kiblah was established in 1997 and registered with Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) Registration No:13 S(4)1/23, School Code No BZH 9001 under enactment No:2 of 1988. It is managed by the Nusantara Virtue Foundation (YAKIN). Maahad Tahfiz Kiblah is a boarding private study institution that is oriented towards the study of memorizing Al-Quran 30 Juzuk, Islamic Religious Sciences, Basic Academic Subjects, Emphasis on Arabic, Tarbiyah Islamiyah and the development of student identity and the Arabic language. Arabic is an international language. Proficiency in Arabic will have a positive impact, especially for Muslims, in understanding Islamic teachings from their original sources, namely the Koran and Hadith. This service was carried out by students together with IAI Almuslim Aceh lecturers for 1 (one) month in Ma'had Qiblah Selangor Malaysia, using descriptive methods for all activities carried out in Ma'had, starting with service management, namely planning, implementation, evaluation, reporting and publication. The research results obtained are 3 models of coaching in Arabic language education which are implemented in teaching at Ma'had Qiblah consisting of Arabic On Radio, Shahbul Logah and Sticking to vocabulary and Wall calligraphy.