Kebahagiaan dalam Pandangan Filsafat Al-Ghazālī dan Al-Fārābī


Happiness, as the main goal of every individual, continues to be a topic that never ends for discussion. In this study, the focus is placed on two great Muslim philosophers, Al-Ghazālī and Al-Fārābī, who had different philosophical backgrounds. Al-Fārābī, an Aristotelian follower, and Al-Ghazālī, who sharply criticized this school, encourage us to explore the nature and approach to happiness from their perspectives. By considering their different philosophical backgrounds, this study aims to detail the ideas related to happiness promoted by Al-Ghazālī and Al-Fārābī. Through descriptive analysis methods and literature study, this research reveals the essence of happiness in their views and explores practical ways to achieve it. The results of this research show that both Al-Ghazālī and al-Fārābī both agree that true happiness can only be achieved through a deep knowledge of God.