Analisis Kritis Sains Modern Menggunakan Filsafat Khudi Muhammad Iqbal


Science is one of the important things in efforts to approach and get to know existing objects, so it requires a correct basis for self-awareness such as understanding khudi. Because, the direction of modernity with the spirit of the developing Western Renaissance makes Modern Science behave fragmentatively. So that the physical dimension is separated from the metaphysical dimension which requires values and morals. So, this research seeks to analyze certain aspects and sides of modern science, to then be criticized with the perspective of Khudi Muhammad Iqbal. This research is library research using a philosophical approach in critical analysis on data. The results of this research state that Khudi Muhammad Iqbal has a comprehensive-integral influence on a person in terms of his awareness. So, it brings universality, wise considerations, and the relevance of good life from a philosophical basis, especially for scientific trends in this era which are used as references for modern life.