Al-Ghazali: Implementasi Tasawuf Falsafi dalam Kehidupan Sehari-Hari


Abstract The tasawuf thoughts of Imam al-Ghazali, who is known as a person who is doubtful about everything. Syakk's feelings arose in him from studying theology or theology from al-Juwaini. After al-Ghazali wandered in search of the truth he chose the path of Sufism. According to him, the Sufilah seek the ultimate truth. Not only that, the way of the Sufilah is a combination of knowledge and charity, while the fruit is morality. Among the results are the maqamat that must be passed by a Sufi candidate, including: repentance, patience, asceticism, trust, and makrifat. Which in this journal will contain discussions about al-Ghazali's thoughts and how the influence of al-Ghazali's tasawuf in everyday life. Not only that, al-Ghazali's influence has spread to various regions of the Islamic world to this day.