Analisis Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Dasar untuk Kelas IV, V dan VI


The purpose of implementing the Islamic religious education curriculum in schools is to instill faith, noble morals and religious practice and other basic sciences, such as reading, writing, arithmetic, mathematics, Pancasila and character and the basics of general knowledge and arts, as the basis for continue to higher education. The subject of Islamic Religious Education is one of the subjects that must be taught and obtained by every student from primary, junior high and high school education to continuing to college. The curriculum provides opportunities and opportunities for the world of education to equip students with a content of religious values in accordance with content standards, competency standards, basic competencies and graduation standards for Islamic Religious Education at every level of education. The existence of Islamic religious subjects in schools is expected to produce future generations of the nation who are capable of science and technology and strong in religious values to be applied in their environment.