Student learning difficulties in Mathematics learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah


This study aims to: (1) describe the learning difficulties of class VIII A MTs students. Badrussalam NW Sekarbela on circle material in terms of concepts, principles, and algorithms (2) to find out the teacher's efforts in overcoming the learning difficulties of class VIII A MTs students. Badrussalam NW Sekarbela on circle material in terms of the use of concepts, principles, and algorithms. The subjects selected in this study were 19 students, but 1 student was absent due to illness so the subject became 18 students who took the circle test. The research subjects would be determined based on the results of the circle test. Students who were selected as research subjects were students who did not meet the KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria). Of the 18 students who took the circle test, there were 5 students who passed. Which is determined as research subjects are 3 students who get a score and 3 students with. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing (verification), and checking the validity of the data used, namely observation extension, observation persistence, triangulation, and reference adequacy. The results showed that students' difficulties in learning circle material in terms of concepts, principles, and algorithms, namely: (a) students' difficulties in giving short names or technical names (b) students' difficulties in remembering the formulas for circumference and area of circles (c) difficulties in classification (d) students' unskilled in basic errors (e) calculation errors (f) students have not been able to master the algorithm. And the teacher's efforts to overcome student learning difficulties in circle material in terms of concepts, principles, and algorithms, namely: (a) provide an understanding of the concept of circle elements by showing pictures of circles (b) provide exercises with various questions (c) take a variety of approaches personally to students (d) doing private privately (e) repeating questions that have been studied (f) giving directions to students to remember the formulas learned (g) guiding and directing students in using the algorithm correctly.