The Positive Impact of Religious Teacher Murottal Art Therapy in Reducing the Anxiety of Elderly People


The purpose of this study was to describe the application of religious teacher murottal art therapy in reducing anxiety in the elderly. The research method uses qualitative methods and makes direct observation and interviews as data collection techniques. The total sample is six respondents. The subjects of this study were elderly people who experienced anxiety at the "Joyah Uken" nursing home. Panti, Bebesen District, Central Aceh District. Researchers divided two informants, namely, the main informant and the key informant. Then, data collection is observation, in-depth interviews with six informants, and document review related to the anxiety of the elderly at the Nursing Home "Joyah Uken" Bebesen District, Central Aceh District. Data reduction with Categorize data according to needs. The presentation of data is done descriptively, and finally drawing, conclusions and verification. The results showed that the study of Art Therapy murottal Quran was able to have a positive impact on the anxiety of the elderly in nursing homes. Among them is being able to eliminate anxiety about death by increasing religiosity so that the elderly feel ready and are not worried about the material and non-material things when they die. The conclusion of the study is that art therapy murottal Quran can reduce anxiety levels and increase immunity in the elderly who experience anxiety in nursing homes.