Implementasi Akad Musaqoh pada Pengelolaan Tanah Perhutani dengan Sistem Tasen di Dukuh Wonojati Desa Suren Kecamatan Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo


Mu'amalah fiqh there are several types and types of contracts, one of which is the musaqoh (watering) contract. Likewise, the implementation of the contract in the tasen system between the land management community and Perhutani as the land owner in Hamlet Wonojati, Suren Village, Mlarak District, Ponorogo Regency. From the results of the study it was found that the implementation of the tasen system still uses manual intercropping farming techniques, in which the existence of the tasen system was responded to well by all members of the community. The implementation of the musaqoh contract in the management of Perhutani's land was in accordance with its terms and conditions and was shown from the Islamic attitudes and actions of both parties. Although there are some things that are not appropriate, this is done because of a compulsion.  Dalam fiqih mu’amalahada beberapa macam dan jenis akad, salah satunya akad musaqoh (penyiraman). Begitu juga pelaksaaan akad dalam sistem tasen antara masyarakat pengelola lahan dan Perhutani sebagai pemilik lahan di Dukuh Wonojati Desa Suren Kecamatan Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pelaksanaan sistem tasen masih menggunkan teknik pertanian tumpang sari manual, yang mana keberadaan sistem tasen ini ditanggapi baik oleh seluruh warga masyarakat. Implementasi akad musaqoh pada kerjasama pengelolaan tanah milik Perhutani telah sesuai dengan syarat dan rukunnya serta ditunjukkan dari sikap dan tindakan Islami dari kedua belah pihak. Meskipun ada beberapa yang kurang sesuai hal tersebut dilakukan karena sebab keterpaksaan.