Indonesia Satu Buat Semua, Semua Buat Satu dalam Relasi Pemikiran Nasionalisme Soekarno dan Tan Malaka


This paper discusses the thoughts of Sukarno and Tan Malaka in the context of Indonesian nationalism. They both had a strong spirit of nationalism in the struggle to free Indonesia from colonialism and achieve independence. Sukarno emphasized national unity, Indonesian leadership, and rejection of colonialism. Meanwhile, Tan Malaka saw social and economic injustice and championed nationalism as part of the class struggle. Despite their different ideological approaches, both Sukarno and Tan Malaka fought to achieve Indonesian independence by mobilizing the unity of the people and opposing colonialism. Their ideas helped shape Indonesia's national identity and consciousness. However, this paper also highlights the current Indonesian crisis, such as widespread corruption, social and economic inequality, a weak political system, identity conflicts, and religious fanaticism. Overcoming these crises requires political system reform and stronger law enforcement, increased social and economic equality, and dialogue between ethnic and religious groups. In this context, the nationalist ideas of Sukarno and Tan Malaka are still relevant. Indonesia should be an independent, just, equitable and sovereign country. Social justice for all Indonesians should be prioritized, and differences between regions and groups should be resolved to ensure equal justice. Excessive religious fanaticism should be overcome, and unity in diversity should be affirmed as the foundation of the Indonesian state. This paper provides insights into the nationalist thoughts of Sukarno and Tan Malaka and the challenges of the Indonesian crisis faced by the country today.