THE SPIRAL ANDROMEDA PARADIGM; An Interpretation on Science Integration of UIN Suska Riau


Among the ideals of the establishment of UIN from IAIN is the desire for scientific integration, which is paradigmatically formulated into a scientific paradigm at each UIN. The scientific paradigm of UIN Sultan Syarif Riau is the “Andromeda Spiral” paradigm. This paradigm is important to be interpreted in the form of praxis-oprational, so that it is easy to understand and practice. Through literature studies and in-depth interviews with the initiators of the Andromeda Spiral Paradigm, data were obtained through literature and interview results. Data is analyzed by compiling, categorizing data, looking for patterns or themes with the intention of understanding its meaning. The important meaning of the construction of the Andromeda Spiral Paradigm is First, the triadic linking of three sciences, namely social sciences and humanities, natural sciences, and religious studies, both in the process of education and teaching, as well as in research. Secondly, that whatever the science, religion, science, and humanities, must rest on and be sourced from one meeting point of tawhid, namely the Oneness of Allah swt. as the One who is the creator and source of inspiration for knowledge. This means that the research model that is built is able to give meaning to the omnipotence of God