
Laughter is an activity that is most often found in various situations and conditions, especially in a meeting and association in social relations. This is because human nature tends to happiness and pleasure which is the driving force behind the laughing expression. Almost no one wants their days to be filled with sadness and anxiety. This is evidenced by the results of a survey of films that are in great demand by the public, namely films with the comedy genre still occupy the top rank. Apart from that, television programs have sprung up that show strange and funny scenes that are effective in making the audience laugh. When viewed from the perspective of psychology, this is justified and highly recommended considering that laughter is rich in benefits according to the results of research by psychologists. Based on the author's search for laughing hadiths through takhrij hadith, laughter is quite a concern in the hadith, there are lots of hadiths that talk about laughing, ranging from laughing in the life of the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, to hadiths that seem to prohibit and view negatively. laughing activity. After the writer researched and analyzed the laughing hadiths using an approach in the field of psychology. It turns out that both support each other and provide a correlation. Hadith as a second clue after the Qur'an which provides information on laughing metaphysics, while psychology provides information based on empirical research results. Thus it can be concluded that laughter is a fitrah and gift from Allah subhana wa ta'ala for humans.