Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Desa Menurut Prinsip Good Governance
The enactment of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides rights and responsibilities for the village government, giving responsibility so that the implementation of village government is more optimal in preparing good human resources. Good governance within the village government is implemented well although it is still far from expectations. This study aims to determine Village Governance based on Good Governance Principles in Baruta Lestari Village, Sangia Wambulu District, Central Buton Regency. The type of research in writing this research is empirical juridical research. Legal research conducted empirically can also be referred to as sociological research that answers the problem through field studies (Field Research). While the research approach is carried out through a qualitative approach. So in this study, researchers will describe and analyze Village Governance based on Good Governance Principles. The results of the study show that the principles of good governance have been applied in the administration of village governance in accordance with the principles of good governance with the participation of community involvement and participation in development, human resources, and the discipline of village officials.