Pelaksanaan Perkawinan Bagi Muslimah Dengan Wali Nasab Yang Menolak Menikahkan (Studi KUA Kec. Kolaka dan putusan Pengadilan Agama Kolaka Nomor: 2/Pdt.P/2010/PA Klk.)
Implementation of Marriages for Muslimahs with Nasab Guardians who Refuse to Get Married The objectives to be achieved are to find out how marriages are carried out for Muslimahs whose nasab guardians refuse to marry and to find out how the validity of marriages is for Muslimahs whose guardians refuse to marry. The method of approach that the author uses is the Empirical Approach Method, the procedures or procedures to be able to carry out a marriage whose guardian is adhal are conveying the will to marry at KUA, calling and examining parents/guardians of marriage at KUA, applying for a marriage permit at KUA, submitting a letter of application for permission to marry because the guardian of the nashab is at the Religious Court, registering cases and determining the trial date at the Religious Court, summoning the parties concerned to the Religious Court and examining the case at the Religious Court. Marriage for Muslim women whose nasab refuses to marry based on the decision of the Kolaka Religious Court Number: 2/Pdt.P/2010/PA Klk. is legal. As in the trial it has been proven that Ramlan, S.Pd. bin Patta Maulu has the status of a widower and is not married to another woman as evidence shown in Court in the form of Divorce Deed number: 120/AC/2010/PA Klk, in this case the intention to marry the Petitioner is not polygamy. So that the marriage of the Petitioner with Ramlan, S.Pd. bin Patta Maulu did not violate the provisions of Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45 of 1990 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 10 of 1983 concerning Marriage and Divorce Permits for Civil Servants.