Algoritma Decision Tree untuk Prediksi Deteksi Penyakit Kanker Payudara


Cancer is a deadly disease that is difficult to cure. Early cancer detection can be done through laboratory tests to identify the cancer type. Breast cancer is a type of cancer with initial symptoms in the form of a lump. Data mining and classification methods, such as decision trees with ID3 and C5.0 algorithms, are used to categorize breast cancer. The dataset used is Breast Cancer Coimbra, which was downloaded from UCI Machine Learning in 2018. ID3 has limitations in handling unstructured data and continuous attributes, while C5.0 is better. Both algorithms produce tree models with different levels of accuracy. This study shows that the C5.0 algorithm has the best classification results with 80% accuracy, 84.2% precision, 80% recall, and 80% F1 score. 80% accuracy shows the system's classification ability, so the C5.0 model can be used to predict breast cancer.