Implementasi Load Balancing dengan HAProxy di Sistem Informasi Akademik UIN Sunan Kalijaga


Efficiently managing academic information systems (AIS) is essential for educational institutions to provide reliable services to students and faculty. This research explores the integration of HAProxy load balancing and file synchronization techniques to optimize the performance of AIS. HAProxy is employed to distribute incoming requests across multiple backend servers, and the backend will call web service to access the data saved in the database to facilitate seamless data sharing and access. Additionally, file synchronization mechanisms are implemented to maintain consistency across scripts used in the backend system. The study conducts performance evaluations and benchmarks to assess the impact of HAProxy load balancing and file synchronization on AIS responsiveness and reliability. The results reveal significant system scalability and fault tolerance improvements, reducing downtime and enhancing user experience. This research contributes to optimizing academic information systems, enhancing their ability to handle increased loads, and ensuring the efficient delivery of educational services.