The Practice of Political Bribery in General Elections According to Islamic Law and Law No. 7 of 2017


This article aims to analyze the practice of political bribery in general elections according to Islamic law and Law No. 7 of 2017. This research is significant because political bribery remains rampant in electoral contests. Elections should serve as a benchmark for democracy, where individuals are granted the freedom to make political decisions to determine the direction of the state and achieve welfare. Additionally, general elections should provide a space for public participation and aspirations to elect leaders who understand the people's interests. This study is a literature review conducted using qualitative and descriptive approaches. The primary data sources consist of the Qur'an, Hadith, and the relevant law, while books, journal articles, and other relevant sources are considered secondary data. The collected research data is analyzed deductively. The study reveals that political bribery in elections takes the form of bribery, the distribution of groceries, and the provision of charitable donations under the guise of charitable foundations. In conclusion, Islamic law and the law perceive the practice of political bribery as detrimental to the personal, familial, societal, and national aspects of life. This research recommends that stakeholders, including state institutions, religious institutions such as MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council), and society, continue to monitor the democratic process in elections to prevent vote-buying practices that contradict Islamic law and the law. This study shapes public understanding of fair and just general elections following Islamic Sharia and the law.