The Dialectic of Paradigms Between Islam and the West Regarding the Pursuit of Knowledge


One of the complex issues in developing scholarly discourse is the dichotomy of knowledge. This research aims to delve into the paradigmatic dialectics viewed through the lens of modern civilization represented by the West and Islamic civilization, often seen as representative of the East, regarding the concept of knowledge. Employing a qualitative approach with descriptive-explanatory analysis of written sources, this study constitutes a literature review. The findings reveal that both Western and Islamic scholarship hold perspectives on knowledge that are challenging to reconcile, with little definite common ground. Consequently, the effort to bridge the dichotomy of knowledge through various paradigms remains tentative. Nevertheless, this should be understood as a positive dialectical process, particularly concerning the future of knowledge. As both the Western and Islamic traditions possess positive doctrines concerning knowledge, it would be more beneficial for the rejection of Western knowledge by Islamic circles to be reconsidered. This proposition arises from the notion that the essence of all knowledge is inherently good and true.