Tradisi Akademik Sekolah Dasar Unggulan di Sekolah Dasar Alam


Studying academic traditions in leading primary schools in Malang, especially in SD Alam Ar-Rohmah, is crucial for deeper examination. This is because such studies are incessantly debated. This writing aims to understand three aspects: First, the paradigm of academic tradition in SD Alam Ar-Rohmah. Second, internal and external factors influence the academic tradition in the school. Third, the positive and negative implications of the academic tradition on students in the school. The methods employed include observation, interviews, and documentation along with a literature review using a content analysis approach. The findings reveal three aspects: First, the paradigm of academic tradition in SD Alam Ar-Rohmah encompasses three forms: (1) distinctive curriculum, (2) Islamic morning stories, and (3) market day. Second, internal factors influencing the academic tradition in the school consist of three elements: (1) school principal's strategies, (2) teachers' creativity, and (3) teaching methods. As for external factors, three influences are identified: (1) school environment, (2) families, and (3) community. Third, the positive implications of the academic tradition on students include (1) high achievements, (2) excellent accreditation, and (3) increased student quantity. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that SD Alam Ar-Rohmah has established itself as a leading primary school with a strong academic tradition.