Peran Guru Dalam Pencapaian Hasil Belajar Siswa Terhadap Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to determine the teacher's role in achieving student learning outcomes. In addition to other objectives of this study, namely to find out the supporting factors faced by teachers in improving the learning outcomes of fifth-grade students at SD Negeri Karangrena 03. Researchers conducted this research in April 2023 at SD Negeri Karangrena 03 Maos Cilacap at the right time and location. Where Andri Muhartati, S.Pd is the teacher for class V, while all students in the class are the subject of this qualitative method. Information collection methods used in this study are observation and interviews. This study uses a qualitative descriptive data analysis method. Looking at the information obtained by experts, it can be concluded that the role of the teacher in achieving learning outcomes for grade 5 students in Indonesian subjects, namely the teacher acts as a learning resource, the teacher as a facilitator, the teacher as a manager, the teacher as a guide, the teacher as a demonstrator, the teacher as a motivator, and teacher as an evaluator. Supporting factors in achieving student learning outcomes include parental support, determining the learning method used, the relationship between students and students, as well as the relationship between teachers and students.