Makanan Sehat dalam Kitab Mafatih Al-Ghaib


Healthy food is food that has a balanced nutritional content needed by the body. Trends in modern life make ready-to-eat foods an alternative. This causes a lack of nutritional intake in the body as well as several other dangerous diseases. Diseases such as heart disease, cancer and others are classified as degenerative diseases. This study was conducted to describe the kinds of healthy foods mentioned in the Qur'an. Also describes the benefits obtained from healthy food according to Ar-Razi in Tafsir Mafatih Al-Ghaib. This research is library research, which is presented through descriptive analytical method. This research resulted in an understanding of some of the benefits of healthy food described by Imam Ar-Razi in his commentary. Like the noble fruits that are often mentioned in the Qur'an, namely dates, grapes, pomegranates, figs, and olives. Also, a magical drink that comes from bees, namely honey. The grapes are the benefits most mentioned by Imam Ar-Razi, if processed into juice or drink, grapes are very good for bile. In addition, grapes are also very good for digestion and a weak stomach