Sifat-sifat Allah dalam Kitab Mahasin At-Ta’wil


The creed of all the teachings revealed by Allah to His Prophet to be conveyed to mankind is the same, there is no change in it. Faith in the names and attributes of Allah is part of the faith. However, from the time of the previous Salaf until now the issue of asthma wa shifat has become a debate, especially among scholars, so that various references are needed to refute this problem. One of them is Mahasin At-Ta'wil written by Muhammad Jamaluddin Al-Qasimi. In modern times, there has been no research on the interpretation of the attributes of Allah that refers to Al-Qasmi's thoughts, so this makes the writer interested in discussing the attributes of Allah based on Al-Qasimi's interpretation. The purpose of this study is to describe how Al-Qasimi interprets the attributes of Allah and how Al-Qasimi interprets them. This research focuses more on traits that are much debated, such as istiwa, kalam, kursiy, yad, ityan, and maiyah. This research uses library research and uses thematic interpretation method. The results of this study indicate that Al-Qasimi in interpreting the nature of Allah based on the salaf scholars. Al-Qasimi's method of interpreting the nature verses is to mention his opinion first. Furthermore, mention the opinion of other scholars to strengthen his opinion. In addition, sometimes Al-Qasimi also mentions some important discussions that must be considered, such as doubts in interpreting the nature of Allah and how to refute it.