Menilik Bentuk Qasam dalam Al-Qur’an


One of the rights of the Qur'an that must be fulfilled is to recite its verses with taddabur, so that the reader can take the wisdom and lessons that Allah has given.The interpretations that are often found today rarely focus on discussing the verses about qasam. Qasam is one of the ways Allah emphasizes about something in the Qur'an.Verses which contain affirmation about something in the Quran should be studied more deeply and carefully so that the meaning contained inside of the verses are not missed. This article discusses about the purpose and wisdom of the Qasam verses in the Qur'an.The author will describe how many forms of Qasam are there in the Qur'an and each of its sections.The first purpose of the Qasam verses is to emphasize an event that will definitely happen.The second purpose of the Qasam verses is to glorify whatever is being swore upon. within kauniyyah verses. The purpose of this is to make readers realize how mighty Allah is. The second form of the Qasam is divided into three sections, the first is the fi'il qasam (a verb for swearing), the second is muqsam bihi (to glorify whatever is being swore upon), and the third is muqsam 'alaih (to emphasize an event that will definitely happen). The third form of the Qasam is divided into 2 groups based on how clear the Qasam is. The first is Qasam dzhohir (that is able to be seen) and the second is qasam mudhmar (that is hidden).