Identifikasi Corak Isyari dalam Tafsir Sufi


The Qur’an is the holy book of Muslims, so it cannot be denied that all parties study the Koran and even the Koran is studied by non-Muslims. Likewise with the Sufis, they study the Qur'an with the isyari method. Therefore, researchers are interested in examining the identification of isyari patterns in Sufi interpretations. By looking at several examples of Sufi exegesis in interpreting the Qur'an there is an isyari style in it. This then becomes the researcher's step in identifying the isyari pattern in the Sufi exegesis. In conclusion, the researcher found that the Sufis exceeded the requirements for accepting the isyari method as a pattern in interpretation. So that the Sufi interpretation cannot be accepted on the grounds that it does not meet the requirements of the isyari method.