Strategi Guru Dalam Membina Behavior Control Peserta Didik (Studi Kasus di MA Al Manar Tanjungtani Prambon Nganjuk)


Teachers are an important role in the teaching and learning process because they are responsible for training potential human resources in the field of development and development. All responsibility for teaching, guiding, directing, training, testing and evaluating students rests with the teacher. A learning strategy is a lesson plan used by teachers and students to achieve learning objectives. However, teachers can use various strategies depending on the methods they use. On the other hand, the way of strategy implementation can be determined by different learning strategies. This research uses qualitative research methods and types. The research location is the subject of the research activities. The location of this research is in MA Al-Manar, MA Al Manar is included in the auspices of the Al Karim organization which also has a school, Fathul Mubatdiin Muslim Boarding School and most of its students are santri in a pesantren. This research uses two data sources, namely primary data and secondary data such as the use of books, journals, articles and other research. Data collection techniques are done through interviews, documents and observations. Then the data analysis technique is carried out using data collection techniques, the reduction stage, the presentation stage and the conclusion stage. aspects that influence the determination of the form of teacher training for controlling student behavior, the researcher suggests that each form of training conducted at MA Al Manar by teachers does not necessarily decide which positive value activities are directly carried out, but rather determines the form of coaching activities, different things or aspects that influence. The results of the discussion show that the results of teacher training regarding controlling student behavior are inseparable from the emotional realm in the form of feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation and degree of attitude. But not completely, but only the emotional domain in the form of feelings, motives and attitudes.