Palm Oil Zakat Regulation In Indonesia: Analysis of the Political Dynamics of Islamic Law in Indonesia


Palm oil is one of the most promising commodities for economic growth and development in Indonesia, but the regulation of zakat for oil palm agriculture still has differences of opinion among scholars because there are no clear and firm rules governing oil palm zakat in the nas and books of jurisprudence  mu'tabar. There are at least three opinions of scholars about palm oil zakat in Indonesia. The first argues that there is no  obligation of palm oil zakat because there is no passage and book of jurisprudence  mu'tabar that obliges it. The second argues that farmers and owners of oil palm plantations are obliged to issue zakat because oil palm farming is included in agricultural zakat as stipulated in  the nas and books of fiqh through qiyas esphitemology. The third argues that oil palm must be excluded, but it is not the same as agriculture but the same as trade. This difference of opinion has been decided by the birth of Law No.38/1999 which has been changed to Law No.23/2011 concerning zakat management, in which it is explained about the existence of zakat in agriculture, plantations and forest products. Legal politics have succeeded in deciding the existing differences of opinion about palm oil zakat as explained by the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas). However, technical regulations do not yet exist. Therefore, legal politics are still needed to formulate technical guidelines for the implementation of palm oil zakat in Indonesia.