Penggunaan Media Video Kreatif Dalam Menulis Teks Biografi Sebagai Strategi Pembelajaran Kelas X SMA


This study aims to describe the use of creative video media learning strategy for writing biographical texts class X SMA. The research used a qualitative descriptive. The data are the results writing biographical texts by students class X SMA. The data was collected using observation, test, and documentation. The test is used analyze student’s skill in writing biographical text through creative video media. The text were analyzed using carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and making conclusions. The results data analysis is presented form of complete explanation in the form of written word. The results of the data is (1) the use of creative video media in learning to write biographical texts; (2) skills students writing biographical texts with the structure and linguistic elements biographical texts; (3) learning strategies writing biographical texts using creative video media, and (4) implementing the use of creatie video media in writing biographical texts.