Peran Ideologis Tokoh Parang Jati dalam Penyelamatan Kawasan Karst Sewugunung pada Novel Bilangan Fu Karya Ayu Utami Kajian Ekofeminisme


This study aims to analyze feminist ideology and thoughts about the ecofeminism of Parang Jati characters, the role of thinking and the realization of the ecofeminism that Parang Jati did in rescuing the Sewugunung karst area, as well as the impact of the understanding of ecofeminism carried out by Parang Jati to save the Sewugunung karst area in the novel Bilangan Fu. The research method used is descriptive analysis method with qualitative research. The result of the ideological analysis of the Parang Jati character is that the Parang Jati figure is a figure who has a critical attitude and thinking towards patriarchy although he was born with male gender so that later on he becomes a feminist man. The results of the ecofeminism analysis of the Parang Jati character in rescuing the Sewugunung karst area from mining are Parang Jati formulates three cultural strategies namely: (1) making Sewugunung a Protected Area category I a; (2) changing people's ideas on nature conservation through art performances and dialogues; and (3) making Sewugunung a Protected Area category III. The results of the impact analysis of the realization of the ecofeminism of Parang Jati figures are: (1) The Government reviews proposals to make the area under conservation; (2) The company does not extend the security forces; and (3) changes in the attitudes of the figures to become more concerned with nature and do not commit violence against humans, especially women.