Manajemen Strategi Rumah Tahfidz dalam Internalisasi Nilai-nilai Keberagaman di Masyarakat Multikultural


Educational institutions cannot be separated from the external environment, such as a multicultural society. Therefore, educational institutions play an important role in internalizing the values of diversity. This qualitative study aimed to explore the strategic management of Darus Sholawat Tahfidz's House in Internalizing Diversity Values of multicultural society. A total of five interviewees of tahfidz’s house asatidz participated in indepth interviews. Data were analyzed using an inductive approach for thematic analysis. This study found the fact that the internalization of diversity values was carried out using a strategic management approach that includes planning, implementation, and evaluation. At the planning stage it is carried out by compiling and planning educational activities by adhering to moderate Islamic wasathiyah values. The internalization of the values of religious moderation is implemented in learning activities and public relations programs at tahfidz,s house. At the evaluation stage it is not only limited to looking at the results, but refers to the context evaluation (evaluation context assessment), input evaluation (assessment of input), process evaluation (evaluation of process), and product evaluation.