
In a mudharabah investment profit sharing transaction, both parties can enter into a business agreement, where one party becomes the capital investor and the other party becomes the capital manager. From the management of investment funds, investment profits (profit) will be obtained and will then be divided into two according to the agreement (al-ittifaq). The implementation of the principle of investment profit sharing does not only apply in Sharia Financial Institutions, but also in Conventional Financial Institutions in the form of mudharabah and musyarakah savings and loans referring to the dual banking system regulations in Law no. 10 of 1998 concerning Banking. The agreement pattern in LKS is more tied to the principles and principles of muamalah which are profit and social oriented, whereas in LKK it is solely profit oriented. The profit and loss sharing pattern in LKS is based on the margin fee from profits (profits), while in LKK it is based on the level of interest rate fluctuations on principal savings and loans. The level of effectiveness in implementing investment profit sharing in LKS is more likely to enable efforts to accelerate the level of economic growth than in LKK.